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Here We Grow Again.png

When CARE House moved into our current location in 2017, we were already at capacity. With a larger space we plan to further expand services providing hope, help and healing to child abuse victims and their families. We saw a 65% increase in reported child abuse cases from 2018 to 2019 and we can only expect that number to grow in 2020 and 2021.



Unfortunately, home is not a refuge for all children. The COVID-19 Pandemic took a toll on the entire world, but child abuse victims lost the ability to tell others of their abuse when the quarantines and shut downs happened. Children were trapped in their homes without the ability to tell teachers, friends, or extended family members. On top of that, intimate partner violence numbers surged and children were witnessing violence in their home while sometimes being abused themselves.



While other child advocacy centers closed during the pandemic, CARE House adapted and remained open with safety measures in place because the child comes first in our work. At CARE House of the Pee Dee, promoting help, hope, and healing in a nurturing environment to child abuse victims and their families through supportive services and prevention has always been our mission. Will you help us grow in that mission?

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