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Materials We Recommend
We know that talking to children about abuse can be tough, so we want to help.
Reading material can help you to talk to your kids!
Sexual Abuse and Body Safety
I Said No! by Kimberly & Zack King
Do you have a secret? by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos
No Means No! by Jayneen Sanders
Your Body Belongs To You by Cornelia Maude Spelman
Please Tell! by Jesse
Lauren's Kingdom by Lauren Book
God Made All Of Me by Holcomb & Holcomb
Coloring books/pages can help too!
CARE House wants you to stay safe!
Check out our coloring book about safety
Boss of your body by the Mama Bear Effect
What are private parts by the Mama Bear Effect
Suprises & We don’t do secrets by the Mama Bear Effect
The icky feeling by the Mama Bear Effect
Who would you tell by the Mama Bear Effect
We want you to grow & help your children be the healthiest that they can be! Our videos below are here to help!
Empathy -vs- Sympathy Belly Breathing

Impact of Trauma
A Terrible Thing Happened by Margaret Holmes
Coping Skills
Ladybird's Remarkable Relaxation by Michael Chissick
Moody Cow Meditates by Kerry Lee MacLean
Angry Octopus A Relaxation and Breathing Story by Lori Lite
Gentle Willow by Joyce C. Mills
I Miss You by Pat Thomas
The Invisible String by Patrice Karst
Sad Isn't Bad by Michaelene Mundy
You, Me and Empathy by Janeen Sanders
Don't Feed The Worry Bug by Andi Green
Train Your Dragon To Accept No by Steve Herman
When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry by Molly Bang
Download here.

You Control Your Emotions
Understanding Thoughts & Calming Them
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
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