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Host a Pinwheel Garden this April to Raise Awareness of the Realities of Child Abuse within our Community!
According to national data, nearly 700,000 children are abused each year and close to 2,000 lose their lives as a result. Even after abuse stops, these adverse childhood experiences can have lasting impacts- but child abuse is preventable!
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and you can help bring these realities to light by hosting a Pinwheel Garden at your home, business or organization!
Pinwheels symbolize child abuse prevention as they bring to mind the idea of a happy and carefree childhood. A safe childhood is something that every child deserves.
Order Your Pinwheel Garden Today!
Displays are $100 and include 75 pinwheels along with a sign communicating your commitment to child abuse victims in our community.
Download your Order Form Here and return to Alice Curry Gallego by mail or email at
CARE House of the Pee Dee
1920 Second Loop Rd.
Florence, SC 29501
Checks can be made payable to CARE House of t
he Pee Dee.
Order Deadline is March 20th or While Supplies Last
Displays will be ready for delivery or pick up by the end of March

Displays are $100 and include 75 pinwheels along with a sign communicating your commitment to victims of child abuse.
Download your Order Form Here and return to Ariadne Roberts by mail or email at
CARE House of the Pee Dee
1920 Second Loop Rd.
Florence, SC 29501
Checks can be made payable to CARE House of the Pee Dee.
Submit your order and payment electronically
Deadline to Order is March 19th or While Supplies Last
Display your pinwheel Garden outside on a lawn or planter where it will be visible to others. Spead the seeds of awareness even further by sharing pictures with us on social media using the hashtags:
#ChildAbusePreventionMonth #PinwheelGarden #CAREHouseHero

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